Monday, March 6, 2017

Week of March 6, 2017


Factoring A GCF From an Expression Lessons

To best understand this lesson, you should make sure you know how to find the GCF of two or more terms. To learn how, see the lesson called Finding a GCF.

3x3 + 27x2 + 9x
To factor out the GCF in an expression like the one above, first find the GCF of all of the expression's terms.
27(13, 9, 27)
9(13, 9)

GCF = 3x
Next, write the GCF on the left of a set of parentheses:
3x(               )
Next, divide each term from the original expression (3x3+27x2+9x ) by the GCF (3x), then write it in the parenthesis.
3x3 / 3x = x2
27x2 / 3x = 9x
9x / 3x = 3

3x(x2 + 9x + 3)
The next expression we will be factoring is shown below.
36x2 - 64y4
To begin factoring the GCF out of the expression, find the GCF of the two terms.
36(12, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36)
64(124, 8, 16, 32, 64)

GCF = 4
As you can see, the two terms to do not have any variables in common, therefore the GCF is simply 4.
Now write 4, the GCF, on the left of a set of parentheses.
4(               )
Now divide each term 4, the GCF, and place the result inside the parentheses.
36x2 / 4 = 9x2
-64y4 / 4 = -16y4

4(9x2 - 16y4)


Assessments: Quiz on Wednesday and Summative assessment next week

Hope you had a great weekend! Today, we are working  on some polynomial cards  outside the classroom with varying questions on roots and factors.  Yes, you will think on this activity.
I have two colors posted, so ask me which color is the best fit for you today.  Also, you find roots of  4th degree polynomials and missing terms polynomials.
HW; None

Today, we look  at the Rational Root Theorem and  find all roots of a given polynomial.  I will have practice time for you today to master this concept and you will have choices on the problems.
HW; Study for quiz

Moving along the week, you shall shine on the formative assessment (a quiz) in class today. I will have a quiz preview first to ensure you are ready this quiz. Also, we analyze the long division process to see a connection with the polynomial, the radical and the factors.
HW; None

Almost Friday! It is the day to write the equation of a polynomial given the roots and to solve a couple of circle problems ( I created these problems, so I love them)
HW; None

Yes, it is Friday! It is time for more circle problems today and some other polynomial cards filled with thinking questions.
HW; None

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