Monday, March 20, 2017

Week of March 20,2017


Choosing a Factoring Method

Step 1 Check for a greatest common factor. 
Step 2 Check for a pattern that fits the difference of two squares or a perfect-square trinomial. 
Step 3 To factor x 2 + bx + c, look for two numbers whose sum is b and whose product is c. To factor ax 2 + bx + c, check factors of a and factors of c in the binomial factors. The sum of the products of the outer and inner terms should be b.
 Step 4 Check for common factors.

Use the following table to help you choose a factoring method.

First factor out a GCF if possible.

Then, Explain how to choose a factoring method for x2 − x − 30. Then state the method. • There is no GCF. • x2 − x − 30 is a trinomial.

 • The terms a and b are not perfect squares, therefore this is not a perfect square trinomial. • a = 1 Method: Factor by checking factors of c that sum to b. Explain how to choose a factoring method for 2x2 − 50. Then state the method.

 • Factor out the GCF: 2(x2 − 25) • x2 − 25 is a binomial. • a and b are perfect squares. This is a difference of squares.

 If binomial, check for difference of squares. yes no Use (a + b)(a − b). If no GCF, it cannot be factored. If trinomial, check for perfect square trinomial. yes no Factor using (a + b) 2 or (a − b) 2 . If a = 1, check factors of c that sum to b. If a ≠ 1, check inner plus outer factors of a and c that sum to b. If 4 or more terms, Try to factor by grouping.


Assessments: Unit project on Thursday

Today, we look at characteristics of polynomials ( intercepts, roots, extrema)
HW; None

It is a day of review for the characteristics of Polynomials and finding roots of polynomials, a full day all about polynomials.
HW; None

It is a day of review of all things polynomials and a look at end behavior, with discovery mixed in.
HW; Prepare for a unit test if you chose the unit test for the assessment

Your choice, you can work on a project for the unit or take a unit test on the unit. Both items can count as a test grade.
HW; None

Yes, it is Friday and we look at rational expressions, with a focus on factoring polynomials.
HW; None

Have a great weekend!
One week to Spring Break!

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